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I really like the concept about only working with "X". The controls feels a bit buggy, but you make what you can with the time you got.

Hey thanks for playing!! Yeah, it's really buggy and it's a really simple fix.. I just couldn't see it during the jam. I uploaded a less buggy version of the exact same game if you want to play it!


I like the idea, I think it would be interesting to see a few more levels, but I understand the time constraints.

Hey thank you for playing!! I'll do my best to polish it during this week and upload a post-jam version!



Love how much you've done with just X. Would say the double tap feels unresponsive though

Xxxx xx xxx  XX xx!! XX

Haha! Thanks for playing!! I had so much more in mind, but could't make it in time! I know it's not polished, I really needed more time..  but near the deadline it felt stupid not to submit it, it was at leats playable!